Daniel F. Chamberlain, Professor of the Department of Spanish and Italian at Queen’s University. He offers courses on 20th-Century Spanish American narrative, Mexican oral narrative tradition, contemporary literary theory and narrative perspective, as well as courses in advanced Spanish language. He has published Narrative Perspective in Fiction: A Phenomenological Mediation of Reader, Text, and World with the University of Toronto Press along with numerous articles and chapters in Canadian and Mexican journals and editions that focus on Spanish American, European narrative. Professor Chamberlain was an Erasmus, Mundus Masters Visiting Scholar to the European Union in 2009-2010 and he is a delegate for New England and Eastern Canada to the Modern Language Association of America’s Delegate Assembly from January 2011 through the close of the January 2014 MLA convention. Currently he is engaged in research on oral literary tradition and literary history. Professor Chamberlain has acted as President of the Canadian Comparative Literature Association, as Secretary, Treasurer and as Vice President of the Coordinating Committee for Literary History in European Languages of the International Comparative Literature Association. He also acts as a member of editorial boards of Canadian and Mexican journals dedicated to the fields of Hispanic and Comparative Literature.
Margalida Pons Jaume, Professor of Catalan Literature and Literary Theory at the Universitat de les Illes Balears. Among other books, she is author of (Des)aïllats: narrativa contemporània i insularitat a les Illes Balears (2004, with Caterina Sureda) and Palma and Poesia insular de postguerra. Quatre veus dels anys cinquanta (1998), along with numerous chapters and articles in books and journals. Furthermore, she is co-editor of Poètiques de ruptura (2008) and Andreu Vidal, Obra poètica i altres escrits, (2007), as well as the editor of Textualisme i subversió: formes i condicions de la narrativa experimental catalana (1970-1985) and Joan Alcover, Miquel Costa i Llobera i els llenguatges estètics del seu temps (2007). She has been visiting professor of the Department of Hispanic Studies (Catalan Studies section) at Brown University. From 2006 to 2009 she has been head of the research project Teoria i pràctica de la narrativa experimental catalana (1970-1985): anàlisi i estudi contextual» (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Plan Nacional de I+D+I, HUM2006-06108) and is currently head of the Research Group Literatura contemporània: estudis teòrics i comparatius sobre la textualitat (LiCETCT). Professor Pons is member of the editorial boards of Reduccions (2006 to the present) and Transfer. Journal of Contemporary Culture (Institut Ramon Llull).
Silvia Bermúdez, Professor of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is the author of Las dinámicas del deseo: subjetividad y lenguaje en la poesía española contemporánea (1997) and La esfinge de la escritura: la poesía ética de Blanca Varela (2005), as well as the co-editor of From Stateless Nations to Postnational Spain/De Naciones sin estado a la España postnacional (2002). Her articles have appeared in critical collections in the U.S. and abroad and in Modern Language Notes, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Siglo XX/Twentieth Century, and Anuario de Estudios Literarios Galegos. She recently served as Guest Co-Editor of the Special Issue “Spanish Popular Music Studies” for the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (June 2009) and her third book, Rocking the Boat: The Rhythms of Immigration in Spanish Pop Music, 1984-2000, is forthcoming. Professor Bermudez’ areas of research and teaching are Contemporary Spanish and Galician Literatures and Cultures, Transatlantic Studies, and Peruvian poetry. Her current work pays particular attention to how Spain’s new geopolitical position places this multilingual nation-state at the crossroads of the complex geographies and imagined communities that result from the circulation of peoples and cultures between Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
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