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Poesía e prácticas de resistencia cultural

A editorial Peter Lang presenta un volume cos resultados dos simposios organizados en 2008 e 2009 pola rede internacional Poetics of Resistance nas Universidades de Leeds e Santiago arredor das novas prácticas poéticas, artísticas e culturais de resistencia e emancipación.
O volume edítase na serie “Hispanic Studies. Culture and Ideas”, coordinado por Arturo Casas (GAAP-USC) e Ben Bollig (University of Oxford), co título Resistance and Emancipation. Cultural and Poetic Practices
Recóllese nel unha parte significativa dos traballos desenvolvidos pola rede internacional Poéticas de Resistencia nos encontros científicos que tiveron lugar nas Universidades de Leeds e Santiago de Compostela nos anos 2008 e 2009. 
Na rede participan, xunto co núcleo galego, investigadoras/es e produtoras/es artísticas/os procedentes de México, Brasil, Perú, Chile, Uruguai, Arxentina, Sahara Occidental, Portugal, España, Francia, Países Baixos, Alemaña e Reino Unido.




27 e 28 de outubro de 2011

Comité organizador
Manuela Palacios, Raquel Bello, Arturo Casas, María Teresa Díaz, Juan-Luis Pintos e María do Cebreiro Rábade.

Inscricións: do 3 ao 17 de outubro de 2011
Gratuíta para o alumnado e para o persoal da Universidade. Satisfeita unha asistencia mínima ao 75% das sesións, recibirase no acto de clausura un diploma acreditativo asinado polo Vicerreitor Adxunto de Investigación e Innovación da USC e pola Directora do CIPPCE.
A inscrición no Simposio farase mediante comunicación electrónica dirixida ao Comité Organizador, indicando no asunto “Inscrición Simposio CIPPCE” e no corpo da mensaxe o nome e apelidos xunto coa vinculación coa Universidade (no caso do alumnado, titulación e curso actual; no caso de PDI e PAS, posto e destino).
A partir do día 7 de outubro publicarase na web do Centro (na lapela Novidades) unha relación de inscritos admitidos que se actualizará progresivamente até o 17 de outubro ou até alcanzar o límite de prazas marcado polo aforo do Salón de Graos da Facultade de Ciencias Políticas e Sociais. Non se aceptarán inscricións posteriores a esta data. 

Paneis e comunicacións
As intervencións serán normalmente de 30 minutos (20 minutos para exposición e 10 para debate). Nos peches de sesións de mañá e tarde abrirase novamente un debate de 30 minutos sobre o conxunto das comunicacións presentadas.


9:30 h. | Inauguración do Simposio
       Nieves Lagares (Decana da Facultade de Ciencias Políticas e Sociais) e Manuela Palacios (Directora en funcións do CIPPCE)

9:45 h. | Panel Migracións, cultura e identidade: Repensando as migracións en Galicia
      Catro comunicacións coordinadas a cargo de María Xosé Rodríguez Galdo, Fausto Dopico Gutiérrez del Arroyo, María del Pilar Freire Esparís e Xosé Cordero Torrón, da Rede de Investigadores en Demografía, Historia económica e Migracións (RIDHEM,USC)

11:45 h. | Pausa

12:05 h. | Mulleres e proxección pública da cultura caboverdiana en Burela. Unha experiencia dende a intervención social
Luzia Oca González  (Grupo de Antropoloxía Socio-Cultural, USC)

12:35 h. | Identidade galega transnacional. Os centros galegos no exterior
       Xaquín Rodríguez Campos (Grupo de Antropoloxía Socio-Cultural, USC)

13:05 h. | Debate conxunto sobre as comunicacións matinais


16:30 h. | Panel Exilio, muller e literatura
Segunda xeración e orixes imaxinadas: a poesía de Elsa Fernández
María Xesús Lama (Universitat de Barcelona)
Exilio, historia e a visión feminina
Laura Lojo (Grupo Discurso e Identidade, USC)
Exilio e tabú
    Manuela Palacios (Grupo Discurso e Identidade, USC)

18:00 h. | Pausa

18:15 h. | Panel LITER21. Literatura infantil e xuvenil
Emigración e guerra nas obras de Marina Mayoral
Mar Fernández Vázquez (Grupo Literatura Galega. Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil, USC)
Inmigración/emigración e identidade: Lúa de Senegal, de Agustín Fernández Paz
Eulalia Agrelo Costas (Grupo Literatura Galega. Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil, USC)

19:15 h. | Debate conxunto sobre as comunicacións vespertinas


        9:30 h. | Panel Migracións e enclaves culturais
Os enclaves americanos e a construção do Sistema LIterário Galeguista (1974-1978)
        Roberto Samartim (Grupo GALABRA, Universidade da Coruña)
Propostas en conflito para umha literatura e um país. Repertórios culturais promovidos nos enclaves americanos e na Galiza durante o tardo-franquismo
        Cristina Martínez Tejero (Grupo GALABRA, USC)

10:30 h. | Panel Discursos de/sobre a hibridación cultural: suxeitos, espazos e medios
A representación dos efectos da aculturación en ‘El cadiceño’, de Rosalía de Castro
        María López Sández (Grupo Teoría da literatura e Literatura comparada, USC)
¿Es lo testimonial condición de la literatura de la inmigración? El caso español
        Sara Bernechea Navarro (Grupo Teoría da literatura e Literatura comparada, USC)

        11:30 h. | Pausa

12:00 h. | Panel A Europa diaspórica: cara a unha problematización da "literatura europea" a través da migración [Moderador: César Domínguez]
Canadá: Little Italy polifónica
        Federica Angelini (Grupo Teoría da literatura e Literatura comparada, USC)
outra Arxentina: a narrativa de mulleres e a emigración entre ‘tanos’ e ‘gallegos’
        Marco Paone (Grupo Teoría da literatura e Literatura comparada, USC)
‘Soy dos mitades’. La identidad como guerra en Déborah Vukusic
        Isabel Domínguez Seoane (Grupo Teoría da literatura e Literatura comparada, USC)

        13:30 h. | Debate conxunto sobre as comunicacións matinais


16:00 h. | Riesgos, imaginarios y asociacionismo en la integración de los inmigrantes
Felipe Aliaga (Grupo Compostela de Estudos sobre Imaxinarios Sociais, USC)

        16:50 h. | Contextos específicos, identidades desprazadas: Bienais de arte e inmigración urbana
Miguel Anxo Rodríguez (Grupo Arte e Estética Contemporánea, USC)

17:20 h. | Emigración e linguas da escola en Galicia
María Teresa Díaz (Rede Inmigración, Escola e Sociedade, USC)

        17:50 h. | Debate de peche

18:30 h. | Clausura a cargo da Directora do CIPPCE e entrega de diplomas

Grupo de Investigación Teoría da literatura e Literatura comparada (GI-1371 USC. Coord.: Fernando Cabo).
Proxecto de investigación Plurilingüismo e conciencia lingüística. Recursos educativos para o desenvolvemento da competencia intercultural  (INCITE08PXIB400065PR. IP: María Teresa Díaz).
Proxecto de investigación Nosotros-as y ellos-as: Discursos de las escritoras irlandesas y gallegas sobre la extranjería (1980-2007) (FFI2009-08475/FILO. IP: Manuela Palacios).



The Western tradition of poetry has been associated with subjective expression, individual
identity, and what Hegel called ‘the inner movements of the subject’s soul’ in his definition of the genre.
In our intended volume, we plan to discuss what happens in experimental poetry when poetic utterances
turn their attention to alterity, whether it is represented as a tradition for the purposes of dialogue, as a
diversity of voices or presences within the poem, as a specific link to the reader or as traces of identities
that are not conventionally associated with lyricism.
With this purpose in mind, we invite you to submit proposals for papers that either deal with the
links between poetry and alterity within the field of Catalan Studies or develop theoretical approaches
applicable to the Catalan field. We are interested in contributions that deal with formal aspects of
experimental poetry (visuality, non-linearity, interplay with the language and medium) or that look at its
role as a cultural product, uniting discourse on gender, the concept of authorship, and the functions of
literature and criticism.
Only a limited number of research papers will be accepted (10-12). These must have a high
theoretical content and be based on one of the following subjects:
• Experimentalism as a form of deviation
• Dialogism and polyphony in poetry
• Poetry and alterity: thematic approaches
• Poetry and the readership: paratexts, contexts and means of diffusion
• Poetry and its reception. The reader within the framework of the poem. References and co-references
• Poetry and its reception. Specific perceptive mechanisms in experimental poetry
• Constructing experimental poetics
• Poetry and non-lyrical subjects
• The appropriation and subversion of tradition
• Translation and interference
• The quest for experimental aesthetics
All articles will be sent for independent peer review by the Editors, regardless of any review
conducted by the coordinators.
Xavier Barceló, Mercè Picornell and Margalida Pons.
An initiative proposed by the LiCECT research group (Universitat de les Illes Balears), associated
with the research project ‘Experimental Catalan Poetry 1970-1990: Discourses, Representations,
Reception, Means of Diffusion, and Sociocultural Frameworks’ (a competitive project funded by the
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MCI, FFI2009-07086). Details of current research and activities
(publications, conferences etc.) can be found on the group’s website
<>. For further details of the corpus of experimental
poetry under study in this project, please see the project website
Proposals for papers should include a title and a 300-word abstract, together with a brief list of
bibliographical references and a short biography of the applicant. Proposals should be received by
October 1st 2011 and the authors will be notified of the acceptance/rejection of their abstracts
by October 15th 2011. Completed papers should be received by March 15th 2012, after which they will
be sent for peer review. Papers will be accepted in Catalan and English. Accepted proposals will be
included as a cluster in the international peer reviewed journal Catalan Review. In addition, depending on
the number and quality of the proposals received, the possibility of incorporating them in a multi-author
monograph will be considered.


Performing Poetry

Performing Poetry
Body, Place and Rhythm in the Poetry Performance
Edited by Cornelia Gräbner and Arturo Casas
Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, NY 2011. 293 pp.
ISBN: 978-90-420-3329-0 Paper
ISBN: 978-94-012-0025-7 E-Book
Online info here

Over the past decades, the poetry performance has developed into an increasingly popular, diverse, and complex art form. In theoretical and critical discourse, it is referred to as performance poetry, spoken word poetry, and polipoesía; some theorists argue that it is an independent poetic genre, others treat it as a contemporary manifestation of oral poetry or of the poetry recital. The essays collected in this volume take up the challenge that the poetry performance poses to literary theory. Coming from a variety of disciplines, including Literary Studies, Theater Studies, and Area Studies, contributors develop new approaches and analytical categories for the poetry performance. They draw on case studies from a variety of contexts and in several languages, including Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Catalan, English, French, Galician, and Spanish. Essays are organized in three sections, which focus on critical and theoretical approaches to the poetry performance, on the mediatic hybridity of this art form, and on the ways in which the poetry performance negotiates locatedness through engagements with space and place. The structure of the volume intersperses essays on theory and analysis with self-reflexive essays from performance poets on their own performance practice.

Cornelia Gräbner is Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Lancaster University, U.K. She has published on performance poetry, committed scholarship, and resistance poetry. Her current research interests focus on contemporary European, Latin American, and North American literature. She works on performance poetry, committed writing, literature of the alterglobalisation movement, literary engagements with the dirty wars in Latin America, and representations of megacities in literature. She is a member of the international network Poetics of Resistance.

Arturo Casas is Senior Lecturer in Literary Theory and coordinator of the Centre for Research on Emergent Cultural Practices and Processes at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. His current fields of research are the debate on literary history, modern and postmodern aesthetic thought, contemporary essayistics, the Spanish Republican exile, and non-lyric poetry. His latest work, Resistance and Emancipation: Cultural and Poetic Practices, edited in collaboration with Ben Bollig, is forthcoming from Peter Lang. He is a member of the international network Poetics of Resistance.


Cornelia Gräbner and Arturo Casas: Introduction

Theorizing Performance Poetry: Critical and Analytical Views

Jonah Raskin: Allen Ginsberg, "Howl," and the 6 Gallery Poetry Performance

Gaston Franssen: Stage Fever and Text Anxiety: The Staging of Poeticity in Dutch Performance Poetry since the Sixties

Jeffrey Manoel Pijpers: Artimanha, the Precise Moment of Being: Performance and Carnival in the Poetry of Brazil's Nuvem Cigana

Cornelia Gräbner: "The Hurricane Doesn't Roar in Pentameters": Rhythmanalysis in Performed Poetry

Registers of Performance

Urayoán Noel: The Body's Territories: Performance Poetry in Contemporary Puerto Rico

María do Cebreiro Rábade Villar: Politics of Sound: Body, Emotion, and Sound in the Contemporary Galician Poetry Performance

Arturo Casas: Producing World and Remnant: Dialogue with Chus Pato

Anxo Abuín González: Poetry and Autofiction in the Performative "Field of Action": Angélica Liddell's Theater of Passion

Irina Garbatzky: Roberto Echavarren's Atlantic Casino and Oír no es ver: The "Neobarocker" Body in Performance

Roberto Echavarren: My Life and Performances

Locations of Performance

Deirdre Osborne: "Set in Stone": Lemn Sissay's and SuAndi's Landmark Poetics

SuAndi: Eartha Kitt Once Told Me

Mercè Picornell Belenguer: Heterotopical Routes through Barcelona: The Reshaping of Public Space in the "Galactic" Poetry of Jaume Sisa

Zoë Skoulding: Absent Cities: Text, Performance, and Heterotopia

Margalida Pons: New Loci in Contemporary Catalan Art and Poetry: Perejaume's Performance of/on the Rural