How to arrive



The Western tradition of poetry has been associated with subjective expression, individual
identity, and what Hegel called ‘the inner movements of the subject’s soul’ in his definition of the genre.
In our intended volume, we plan to discuss what happens in experimental poetry when poetic utterances
turn their attention to alterity, whether it is represented as a tradition for the purposes of dialogue, as a
diversity of voices or presences within the poem, as a specific link to the reader or as traces of identities
that are not conventionally associated with lyricism.
With this purpose in mind, we invite you to submit proposals for papers that either deal with the
links between poetry and alterity within the field of Catalan Studies or develop theoretical approaches
applicable to the Catalan field. We are interested in contributions that deal with formal aspects of
experimental poetry (visuality, non-linearity, interplay with the language and medium) or that look at its
role as a cultural product, uniting discourse on gender, the concept of authorship, and the functions of
literature and criticism.
Only a limited number of research papers will be accepted (10-12). These must have a high
theoretical content and be based on one of the following subjects:
• Experimentalism as a form of deviation
• Dialogism and polyphony in poetry
• Poetry and alterity: thematic approaches
• Poetry and the readership: paratexts, contexts and means of diffusion
• Poetry and its reception. The reader within the framework of the poem. References and co-references
• Poetry and its reception. Specific perceptive mechanisms in experimental poetry
• Constructing experimental poetics
• Poetry and non-lyrical subjects
• The appropriation and subversion of tradition
• Translation and interference
• The quest for experimental aesthetics
All articles will be sent for independent peer review by the Editors, regardless of any review
conducted by the coordinators.
Xavier Barceló, Mercè Picornell and Margalida Pons.
An initiative proposed by the LiCECT research group (Universitat de les Illes Balears), associated
with the research project ‘Experimental Catalan Poetry 1970-1990: Discourses, Representations,
Reception, Means of Diffusion, and Sociocultural Frameworks’ (a competitive project funded by the
Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología MCI, FFI2009-07086). Details of current research and activities
(publications, conferences etc.) can be found on the group’s website
<>. For further details of the corpus of experimental
poetry under study in this project, please see the project website
Proposals for papers should include a title and a 300-word abstract, together with a brief list of
bibliographical references and a short biography of the applicant. Proposals should be received by
October 1st 2011 and the authors will be notified of the acceptance/rejection of their abstracts
by October 15th 2011. Completed papers should be received by March 15th 2012, after which they will
be sent for peer review. Papers will be accepted in Catalan and English. Accepted proposals will be
included as a cluster in the international peer reviewed journal Catalan Review. In addition, depending on
the number and quality of the proposals received, the possibility of incorporating them in a multi-author
monograph will be considered.

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